For a brief definition of RDF, read the previous issue of this column or go to the Resources section for a link to a basic introduction of this simple format. 关于RDF的简短定义,请阅读本专栏的前一期,或者去参考资料部分查找这个简单格式基本介绍的链接。
In a typical WSDL definition the next section is for defining the binding information that specifies the format of the messages sent to the Web service, and the address to send the messages to. 在一个典型的WSDL定义中,下一部分是定义要发送到Web服务的消息格式的绑定信息,以及消息要发送到的地址。
The business object defined in the above section will be stored into the DB2 database using native XML format. 前面定义的业务对象将使用原生XML格式保存在DB2数据库中。
Different transaction formats are supported, and in the following section we will use a transaction format based on the following representation. 受支持的交易格式各异,在本文的后续章节,我们将使用如下所示的这种交易格式。
In this section, you will discover how to import and export files in JSON format, as well as how to create hot backup files that are more efficient for recovery purposes. 在本节中,您将了解如何以JSON格式导入和导出文件,以及如何创建用于高效恢复的热备份文件。
This section lists your quality objectives for a release, in table format. 该部分用表格的形式列出了对于一次发布的质量目标。
This section considers one such format, the QR code, for which open source tools are readily available and readers are commonly implemented on portable electronics such as cell phones. 本节关注的是这样一个格式,QR码,因为针对这个格式已经有很多开源工具可用,而且阅读器也都可以在便携的电子设备(比如手机上)实现。
The first example using PHP sends the simple Scilab command built in the previous section, which simply prints out a matrix to the screen in plain-text format. 第一个例子使用PHP发送在前一节中构建的简单Scilab命令,以纯文本的格式向屏幕打印一个矩阵。
This section illustrates how to generate XML forms for the IRS e-File 1120 message format utilizing the XFG. 本节演示如何利用XFG生成用于IRSe-File1120消息格式的XML表单。
All this file contains really is what you have specified in the previous plug-ins and fragments section, but in a special format Eclipse can understand when launching. 此文件包含的全部内容实际上是您在前面的插件和代码片段部分中指定的内容,但是是以Eclipse在启动时可以读取的特殊形式保存。
In this section, we'll create the mediation flows for converting the inbound-specific business object into the Business Events event format for MyEvent. 在这个小节中,我们将创建中介流,以将入站业务对象转换为MyEvent的BusinessEvents事件格式。
In the next section, you'll learn how it's possible to accept events from a file format and from these to generate CBEs that will be placed onto a CEI queue. 在下一部分,我们将了解如何才能接受来自文件格式的事件,并生成将放置到CEI队列上的CBE。
Note: See the Download section for the full source code of this example file format translator. 注意:参阅本文下载部分获得本示例文件格式转换器的全部源代码。
You may want to refer to the RSS basics section to recollect the subtle format differences among the different versions of RSS. 可以参考RSS基础知识一节来回顾各种RSS不同版本间的细微格式差别。
The documentation has a section called "Content Normalization" that discusses how it deals with differences in source format terminology. 工具文档中有一节题为“ContentNormalization”,讨论了如何处理源格式术语的差异。
Therefore, this section describes another way of importing ARIS EPC models into IBM BPM, with the least requirements for the ARIS tooling to leverage the ARIS-specific XML export format. 因此,本节将介绍另一种将ARISEPC模型导入IBMBPM的方法,该方法至少需要ARIS工具来利用特定于ARIS的XML导出格式。
Mar, 1997 To make the competition more challenging, the organizing committee adds a new section-the impromptu speech to the overall format. 1997年3月为使比赛更具挑战性,第二届比赛程序中加入即兴演讲部分。
This paper analyzes the PE ( Portable Executable) file format. We explores the import table, export table and resource section of PE file. We also discusses the extensions to PE file format in. 主要分析了PE(PortableExecutable)文件格式,重点探讨了PE文件中的输入表、输出表以及资源段的格式,还探究了在微软全新的。
According to the characteristics of the PE file resources section format, four kinds of redundancies in the resources section were summarized, and a new scheme of information hiding was proposed. 根据PE文件资源节的结构特点,总结了资源节中存在的四种冗余,并提出了一种新的信息隐藏方案。
Scanning was conducted at 1 mm interval along cross section and the image of cross section was output with jpg format then stored in the computer. 经螺旋CT沿横断面1mm层厚扫描,以jpg格式输出其断面图像并转入微机保存。
Some useful conclusions will be gained by comparing the span, section format, slab highness and construction mode of rein-forced concrete continued slab bridge. 通过对钢筋混凝土连续板桥的跨径、截面形式、梁高、施工方式的比较,得出一些有用的结论。
In addition, for the next section describes the gateway using the UDP protocol has a data format used for communication, in this based on the network data transmission experiments have been successful. 另外,针对网关部分介绍了下采用的UDP协议已经通讯采用的数据格式,在此基础上进行了网络数据传输实验,获得了成功。